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You must be Registered for the SoCal Veterans Expo to view this content.
Registration for this Virtual Job Fair is FREE.

Click the link below to Register and Create a Log-in.

[vc_btn title=”Attendee Registration” style=”custom” custom_background=”#003366″ custom_text=”#ffffff” align=”left” link=”|title:Attendee%20Registration||”][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1591133401780{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”]

If you have already Registered and Created a Log-in, click the link below to Log-in and access the Jobs and Resources portal.

[vc_btn title=”Log-in” style=”custom” custom_background=”#003366″ custom_text=”#ffffff” align=”left” link=”|title:Attendee%20Registration||”]